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Dubai’s RTA Launches Innovative Nol Card Packed with Benefits

Dubai’s RTA Launches Innovative Nol Card Packed with Benefits

Enhancing Daily Life with the New Nol Card

Dubai’s Roads and Transport Authority (RTA) has unveiled a revamped Nol card that offers over AED 19,000 in benefits. This upgraded card is part of RTA’s effort to enrich the commuting experience and extend its utility beyond just public transportation. The new Nol card integrates a wide range of perks, making it a versatile companion for residents and tourists in Dubai.

Expanding Beyond Transportation

Traditionally, the Nol card has been a convenient payment method for Dubai’s public transport, including the metro, buses, trams, and water buses. The new version, however, offers much more, transforming it into a multifunctional tool that delivers significant savings and added value across various services in the city.

Highlights of the New Nol Card:

  1. Widespread Discounts: Cardholders can enjoy significant discounts at over 1,000 establishments across Dubai. These benefits extend to dining, retail shopping, entertainment venues, and more, making everyday expenses more manageable and enjoyable.
  1. Versatile Payment Options: Beyond public transport, the Nol card can now be used for payments at retail stores, vending machines, and even parking meters. This expansion simplifies transactions and enhances the card’s usability in daily life.
  1. Comprehensive Transport Coverage: The card continues to cover all modes of public transportation in Dubai, ensuring seamless travel for users who rely on multiple services.
  1. Advanced Security Features: Enhanced security measures have been integrated into the new Nol card to protect users’ personal information and secure their transactions.

How to Utilize the Nol Card Benefits

To access these extensive benefits, users can visit the official Nol card website or use the Nol Pay app. These platforms provide detailed information on how to redeem discounts and take advantage of the card’s perks. The Nol Pay app also keeps users informed about the latest offers and promotions, ensuring they make the most of their cards​ (GulfNews)​.

Aligning with Dubai’s Smart City Vision

The launch of this upgraded Nol card is a key part of Dubai’s broader smart city initiatives. By integrating transportation and lifestyle services into one card, the RTA is streamlining daily life for Dubai’s residents and visitors. This move also supports Dubai’s strategy to increase the adoption of digital payments and smart services, fostering a more connected and efficient urban environment​ (HiDubai Focus)​.

Looking Forward

The new Nol card is set to greatly enhance the convenience and quality of life for its users. It represents a significant step in the RTA’s ongoing efforts to provide value-added services and improve urban mobility in Dubai.

As part of its plans, the RTA aims to continue expanding the range of services and benefits linked to the Nol card, reinforcing its role as a key component of Dubai’s smart city infrastructure.

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