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Frequently Asked Questions

Here are the most repeatedly asked questions and answers for that, please feel free to chat with us or call us if you have any further questions.

We value your privacy and concerns very well. Here are some safety tips while you Buy, Sell, Trade in or Consign your car to us

  1. Make sure you are contacting us directly, better always avoid 3rd party agents to reach us. please let us know if there is any difficulties you are facing with any agents tries you to drive you for their benefits
  2. Please make sure that you are providing us the right information's while inquiring or doing any deals with us in order to avoid any delays and conflict-ions.
  3. Please bring your original national identity card while you visit us for any deals.
  4. Please try to contact us on our working hours, if you couldn't do not worry , we are happy to assist you on our live chat.
  5. it is always better to read and confirm terms and conditions before you make any signature in our manual forms
  6. We are continuously sanitizing our cars for your safely. stay blessed
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